It varies in the WAY we communicate (British and Australian accents), HOW we want it to be communicated (politeness, sacarsm, guilt etc.) and THE PEOPLE we communicate with. (Engineering, Legal Jargons)
Many of you may or may not have heard TWITS in action but it shows how the english language changed to meet the needs and express values of its users. THIS WILL CRACK EUUuusss UP!

I told Cam to practise her twitishness for a while, and she starts bullying me.
We knew nuts about what we had to do, so we went around to explore. (AND WE DIED!?)Yes. Both killed by a stupid red snail. PWNED.
Nevermind that. Then we realised we needed money to buy the simplest equipments, or even potions which gave us HP. But we were very poor, so we went around to look for people who would spare us some money.
Camry then suggested we should probably pay Cai Shen Ye(God of Wealth) a visit, he might drop us some money for all we know. :)

So WHO ARE THESE TWITS (a jargon used to indentify this group of people) ?
Teenagers aged 13 and up (you might be guilty of it), Exhibitionist who constantly takes photos of themselves with, Superb typing skills (Twits have amazingly mastered their fingers to type with alternate caps at amazingly fast spEePeed) Horrible language (A very prominent factor of a twit. You will never spot them without lehs, lors and lahs in their sentences. Most of the time its incomprehensible. You can forget about finding verbs, nouns, etc. because it could be all of it.)
"forget it, euie tis kinda of ppl r hard to interact wif,dunnit to use cheem english to de miie , i noe i`m nt good inenglish"
English with Chinese would be "wo men ish..."
English with Hokkien would be "they ji siao me lor"
English with Malay would be "my boifren lagi yandao"
Definition: People
"shaeyy sh0 muchhiies ab0utt peepuhhx. thiinkk ab0utt urrselffx fiirsttx larrhhs~"
Synonyms:pipos / piipp0px
Defination: Like that
"eeYerZ~.. y eU lyDaT dE..~ haO eRxIn wOrz`!"
Synonyms:lidat / lydis / lyk dat
Well too many examples spoil the broth, interestingly enough, in phonology (the sound we make during speech), french speakers pronouce words this and that with "zis" and "zat". Maybe twits are just french gone wrong.
Ever wondered how the British and American's English came about? During the 16-17th century when there was no establishment, people used to spell everything differently, including their own names. Shakespeare - Shakespere, Shackespere, Shaxper.
The 18th century brought forth the rise of newspapers and people started to create dictionaries. Noah Webster (American) came along and sold his spelling book, 60 million copies in the first 100 years. A reform of the english language was in place. He decreed, "all superfluous and silent letters" should be omitted". Letters such as u was dropped. "Colour" became "Color". "Honour" became "Honor". As was the letter, l, in traveller. "Centre" and "theatre" became "center" and theater".
The beauty of language is that it adapts to different cultures at different periods of time to suit their needs. Perhaps the twits are just one of those adaptations.
We all have our individuality. Sosss EeeuSs goTx AnIeSx VerBal ComUniCAtioEEsx tAts InTerueSts EuSx? (Whao, that was difficult to type!)
HAHA! that's totally entertaining and hilarious! maybe you exaggerated abit in your last sentence because people don't usually put so many similar alphabets in a word. i wonder how people type those words, its so tiring! Even the person reading it (me), feels tired.
ReplyDeleteGOODNESS GRACIOUS!I totally dig this post. I am always wickedly making fun of twits and how they manage to put their creativity skills into their 'little own art of agree horx.' I SHUDDER whenever they open their mouths.
ReplyDeleteThen again, language is not a fixed anatomy between people whereby we perceive what is being said is right or wrong. Perhaps different groups of people have different interpersonal language skills.
You can start compliling a new Coxford dictionary of Twit-speak. Haha.
ReplyDeleteSure, such texts are horrendous to most, but it must be accepted as well that people, twits form a connection with one another from such 'interesting' lingo.
Not just them actually, but people subconsciously grow close to, or stay away from, people depending on their way of speech. For example, people who speak near-perfect English are often regarded as 'high-class', and are often less approached by people who, for example, speak Singlish all the time.
*raises hand, guilty of this*
Am I making sense?
lol! er... that game age 30 and above also got play! A lot of people speak in that manner so as to attract people's attention. i will call them Attention Seeker.
ReplyDeleteYou're forgetting DOTA terms like,
-good game
-kill steal
-back stab
The image there is frm maple right?
I am very impressed by their speed and accuracy in typing alternate caps. But seriously what is the purpose of doing so? I think twits think that it is cute to type to like that which i think many normal people would find irritating and annoying to read such way of typing and their way of speech. I really wonder who started to type like this.
ReplyDeleteAdolescence beckons the beginning of the construction of an individual's identity. It is probably the phase where individuals are most conscious about how they portray themselves to others. This constructed identity must not only be perceived by the individual, but also recognized and confirmed by others.
ReplyDeleteThese 'twits', as they have been referred to, have developed a lingo that serves to assert this identity. While some might argue that such lingo is 'horrendous' and difficult to understand, this might be their very intent - to alienate those who do not belong to the group.
Maple Story is an excellent example that exemplifies the sheer flexibility of language - the way in which people communicate (the game is the medium of communication), how we want it to be communicated (the particular language used in communication), and the people we communicate with (only 'twits' would play the game).
I do feel, however, that your remarks might have been a little derogatory. After all, adolescence is just a phase and most people, if not all, grow out of it.
Hey. No offense intended. Just using these examples in relation to the theories we have learnt. I do wonder how this culture came about though. Yes i do agree that it is a phase, however i do not think many grow out of it. Eventually it becomes a way of life, although you might not type the same way. I find many speaking in similiar patterns. The identity of twits are not only in their language, the way they speak, dress, views on life.
ReplyDeleteIt is nothing to be frowned upon though, language is by means OUR own form of communication. And 'high-class' talk, slangs, accents although annoying at times is just another culture.
haha pretty entertaining!
ReplyDeleteannoying as it may be to the general population, wouldn't you say that someone who really wants to "go far" in the game, as a good communicator, would be able to assimilate in the whole culture? when in rome, do as the romans do.
after all, eeetz n0t dAtZ dIfF wAdz. ni zhi dao riiteZ? x)
never knew there was a specific term for them though, haha.
poke poke eu back~~